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Ari Cohen Mann
Dec 2, 20206 min read
Online Teaching and Why I Think It’s Here to Stay
I’m never going to stop teaching online. I know I’m a bit of a Pollyanna and I have a tendency to focus on silver linings. Even before...
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Ari Cohen Mann
Nov 25, 20204 min read
Perfection is the Enemy of Progress! (Classical Music Edition)
For many years, I was blinded by the end goal in music: the perfect performance. The end justifies the means. I originally had half of...
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Ari Cohen Mann
Nov 19, 20202 min read
When is the Best Time to Start Marketing on Social Media as a Classical Musician?
Ok, I don’t want you to stop reading, but I respect your time too much. The answer is “now.” If I still have your attention, let me tell...
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